Vision, Mission & Core Values
Our mission is to prepare our children smart enough to contribute their best in the development of the nation and the world.
Integrated Technology in Classrooms
“We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of the world. David Warlick.”
Integration of technology in education simply refers to the use of technology to enhance the student learning experience. Utilizing different types of technology in the classroom, including a virtual classroom, creates learners who are actively engaged with learning objectives.
The world has entered the 21st century means era of technology. Today, technology has revolutionized every aspect of our lives, and classrooms are not different. In the era of 21st century classrooms are certainly far better, more modernized, more advanced than what they used to be 10 years ago.
Edutainers at SCR Public School probably agree that classrooms learning are not only about chalkboard and textbooks.
Edutainers of this era are finding it harder to ignore the importance of technology integration in the classrooms.
Why is it important to integrate technology in classrooms?
Integrated technology is compatible with different platforms such as computers, mobile device and tablets. It creates learning opportunities which are more engaging and effective than traditional teaching methods. Integrated Technology proves as a means for facilitator to support and enhance learning.
Integrated technology connects students with various information’s in new and exciting ways.
How is integrated technology changing education?
Technology has profoundly changed education. Earlier teachers were the primary source of information and the students passively receive it .But in 21st century teacher’s role shift to the “guide on the other side. “Technology is a powerful tool that transforms education in many ways from making it easier for students to learn and work together.
How can technology enhance teaching and learning in class rooms.
Technology in classrooms enables students to adjust at their own pace of learning .Those students who need extra time can spend more time doing over exercises until and unless they understand .It frees the teacher to help students who need more support.
Impact of Integrated technology in Classrooms.
Integrated technology is a firsthand account or innovative way in teaching which is successfully implemented in SCR Public School’s classrooms. It helps in peer collaboration, problem solving and it even faster students’ unique learning skills. Nowadays it is only technology which is capable of unlocking keys of learning with all students.
Integrated technology enables learning not only bring in transformational change in online education experience, but also enhance and supplement regular classrooms based pedagogy. It is more flexible than the traditional format. The NEP (National Education Policy) also focuses a great deal on technology use and integration.
At last as we have seen, technology has more positive than negative outcomes. It helps children learn in different forms, it allows them to engage in different activities, and it enriches their education by allowing them to collaborate with people from all over the globe.
Neeta Dahiya
Edutainer at SCR Public School
(Opposite to Sec-5)