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  • Aug 16, 2021

Dire need of sports in today's education system

In this new era of technology and advancement, both children and adults are getting addicted to digital devices and on the other hand,  ignoring a healthy lifestyle which is really important for every human being to live a healthy and happy life. It becomes a duty for educational organizations to promote sports culture among the students. SCR PUBLIC SCHOOL, situated in sheetla colony part 2, Gurgaon focus on all-around development of a student.As both education and sports are essential for the development of a student or youth who in future will represent our great nation.


As we look back in past, we will see the history of sports in India and other countries the world, different types of sports originated from various countries and then became globally popular, for example, football, it is said that that the game of football was first played in china where people used to kick the ball towards other player but it was moreover an activity that time, the modern version of football started in great Britain in the 19th century. Now football has become the most popular sport in the world with over 200 participating countries.


Sports has the power to unite people and countries , it is also a medium of socialization and an economic activity, which generates a decent revenue if you look closely sports is just not for players it is also a source of earning for many other people doing different task such as the officials, groundsmen ,the representatives , streaming channels and many other. the most popular and highest-earning sport in India is cricket, India has some of the largest cricket stadiums where live matches take place and the spectators pay for the seats in the stadium to enjoy the beauty of sports.


Achievement in sports is the motivation for a sportsperson as well as the country it represents, as we see that in every 4 years Olympic games take place in the various part of the world, the winner in these games get global recognization and becomes the pride of the nation .keeping this view in mind SCR group of schools acknowledge their students about the importance of sport and organizes annual sports program to ensure the involvement of students in multiple sports activity, this will help to build new sportsperson who in future will make their motherland proud on a global platform.


All the schools and other educational institutions must focus on the expansion of both education and sports culture. it is the moral duty of every organization to take necessary action towards the all-around development of the youth as a contribution to a healthy environment and betterment of the country.


By: Mayur 

(Former student)


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